I'm over at VirtuousPla.net today, pointing a big ol' finger at the men in this world. Yes, YOU! Bonus: I doctored a Superman photo and created SuperCathDude, complete with Vatican symbol on the chest. Glory! -- UPDATE: The links are fixed now.
Calling all young men with a blossoming Love for Christ! Your time has come, brothers. You have been called up.
We need men to step up unabashedly and show us why even the best examples of men in the media fall short of what we deserve and what our world deserves. Yes, we’re human, but that doesn’t mean we should aim to eat from the dumpster when there’s a feast waiting in heaven (source: Jason Evert).
Barney from How I Met Your Mother: Please, men, show us how satirical this terrible example is for men. Show us how his hyperbolic “player” ways are insulting to men and women alike every time he tricks a woman into going home with him and proceeds to talk about it like he won a little league trophy.
Gibbs from NCIS: Believe me, I am definitely a fan of this man and his stoic heroism, but he’s not the best male figure on TV. He got married three times after his true love, his first wife, was murdered. He avenged the murders of his wife and daughter in a brutal, execution-style sniping. This man takes morality into his own hands, following his own rule book. Men, we need you to show us how affirming humility and vulnerability before your Father are.
"It is my wish, then, that in every place the men should pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger or argument." - 1 Timothy 2:8We need you and your manliness to take one for the team and be Catholic dudes. Step out of the blogosphere every day and be Catholic dudes for lost and struggling dudes.
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Abs-olution of steel! |
We need men to step up unabashedly and show us why even the best examples of men in the media fall short of what we deserve and what our world deserves. Yes, we’re human, but that doesn’t mean we should aim to eat from the dumpster when there’s a feast waiting in heaven (source: Jason Evert).
Barney from How I Met Your Mother: Please, men, show us how satirical this terrible example is for men. Show us how his hyperbolic “player” ways are insulting to men and women alike every time he tricks a woman into going home with him and proceeds to talk about it like he won a little league trophy.
Gibbs from NCIS: Believe me, I am definitely a fan of this man and his stoic heroism, but he’s not the best male figure on TV. He got married three times after his true love, his first wife, was murdered. He avenged the murders of his wife and daughter in a brutal, execution-style sniping. This man takes morality into his own hands, following his own rule book. Men, we need you to show us how affirming humility and vulnerability before your Father are.
Hey Elizabeth,
Your link to VirtuousPla.net is broken. I'm pointing a big ol' finger at you. Yes, YOU! ;-)
Hey, thanks!! The VirtuousPla.net clock is an hour behind me, so that link will be live in 40 minutes. Thank you!
Vatican photo of the symbol on the chest of Superman is great
Read it. It was a great post!
The reference to Yoda cracked me up. Last night, I was trading comments back and forth on Acts of the Apostasy about the bloggers Patheos is picking up left and right. Then The Blogger Who Must Not Be Named put in his two cents' worth: "Yoda of Borg I am. Assimilated prepare to be. Futile resistance is." Enduring is Yoda's syntax.
"Yes, we’re human, but that doesn’t mean we should aim to eat from the dumpster when there’s a feast waiting in heaven."
Great post. Loved your post -- thanks for sharing!!
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